In a few words, we can help you move a lot better and learn any martial art or sport much faster! At the core of Dynamo Concepts lies a system of perfecting human movement and a cutting-edge method of teaching all types of skills.
Whether you want to build solid fighting skills or to compete in a sport (Judo, hockey, football, strength sports, MMA… any sport, you name it!), if you can move better, you can learn technical skills easier, and ultimately, you can perform better!

The Dynamo Russian Martial art classes will help you find ‘the path of least resistance’, both in your body and the body of the opponent. By following the Dynamo Concepts training method you will
- Perfect your movement skills
- Develop rhythm and flow
- Generate maximum full-body power with minimum effort
- Apply optimized movement in striking, kicking, throwing and joint manipulation techniques.
KETTLEBELLS TRAINING (powered by Kettlebell Systema)
Whether you are interested in Kettlebell Sport competition, training for extreme fitness, or training to enhance specific martial arts skills (punching power, footwork, or evasion), the Dynamo Kettlebells Concepts will improve your performance to the highest levels, with help from the unique Kettlebell Systema methodology.
Are you just ‘working out’ instead of training? Do you believe that circuit training covers all the conditioning needs of a combat athlete? Are all your training sessions performed with ‘balls to the wall’ intensity? You will be surprised by how much time and effort you can save and how many injuries you can prevent, through a well planned and targeted long-term training program. Train smart, not hard AND improve a lot – just follow the Dynamo training guidelines.
Learning martial techniques can be extremely hard if you focus on instructions and forget what the final task of the technique is. If you feel limited by a teaching method you have ‘inherited’ and your students often struggle to learn new skills, the Dynamo teaching methodology can provide you with a logically and efficiently organized teaching curriculum, while maintaining the core principles of your art intact.
Spyro Katsigiannis, the head instructor and founder of the Göteborg Dynamo Club is available for seminars and live or Skype consultations on biomechanical enhancement of athletic movement, injury prevention strategies and improvement of teaching methods for martial arts.
Contact for details.