About the instructor

"Spyro is a martial scientist and researcher of the highest order. Driven by passion and moulded by the honest desire to share what he has learned, he is a constant source of inspiration and energy in my own shared journey. Experienced, multi-faceted and constantly growing, he represents the best in an industry that too often forgets that warriorhood is an unending journey of self-discovery".
Kevin Secours, Founder of Combat Systema (www.combatsystema.com)

Alex Kostic, Founder of Systema Homo Ludens (www.homoludens-martialarts.com)

Mark Lajhner, Shooters MMA, Kaizen MMA Academy - Belgrade (www.KaizenMMA.com)
The Dynamo Club: What’s in a Name Anyway?
The Dynamo Club was founded in 2010 in Göteborg, Sweden (succeeding the Göteborgs Systema RMA Klubb), with the goal of integrating the common elements of all modern Russian Martial Art styles* with elements from modern-day sports science in one body of knowledge and one system of training, rather than representing and promoting a specific Russian “brand” of martial arts activity.
The name Dynamo was chosen for two main reasons, the first of them being the etymology of the word: coined by the German inventor Ernst Werner von Siemens (to describe the electrical generator), the name means “power in motion”, from the Greek word dynamis –power, and the Latin motio –motion. The name seemed nothing less than ideal, considering that the main goal of our club is to empower people on various levels through the exploration and sophistication of human movement.
The second reason the name Dynamo was chosen, was as a reference to the oldest sports and physical training society of the Soviet Union, formed in 1923, with the purpose of conducting extensive world-wide research into the field of human combat, in order to improve the combat system of the Red Army. All modern styles of Russian Martial Art (such as SAMBO, A.A. Kadochnikov's Russian Style, Systema RMA, Alexander Retuinskih's ROSS et.al.) have their roots in the huge body of knowledge gathered in the course of ten years by the Dynamo “combat investigators”, A. A. Kharlampiev, V. A. Spiridinov I.V Vasiliev and V. S. Oschepkov. The Dynamo society later also contributed in the development of the Universal System of Physical Education and Sports of the USSR, which interestingly enough, in the intelligence, law enforcement, and military circles of the Soviet Era was referred to as “Systema”.
The connection of our club to the original Dynamo society lies in our choice of scientific knowledge and research as our guide, rather than some “absolute truth” as imposed by a martial arts master over his students. In this sense, we ascribe more value to seeking the truth and constantly asking questions, rather than accepting ready-made answers and that is why our approach to teaching martial art remains constantly evolving.
…And How About that Emblem?
The Gothenburg Dynamo Club emblem is a depiction of the Vitruvian Man - a world renowned drawing by Leonardo da Vinci that symbolizes the harmony and symmetry in the human form – imbedded in four infinity symbols, chosen here to signify the idea of perpetual movement, which is of utmost importance in Russian Martial Art. The colors of the emblem, red, blue and white, are the colors of the Russian flag, used here as a reference to the ethnic origins of our system.
* The study of biomechanics, the development of all-around dexterity and flow in movement, and the emphasis on universal concepts and principles of combat instead of particular techniques.
For additional details on the history and practice of Russian Martial Art and the way we practice it at the Göteborg Dynamo Club, check this article from the Systema Sweden blog.